Welcome to Rossett House Nursery
At Rossett House Nursery we are committed to providing children with the very best care and early years’ education and we ensure that the children are at the centre of everything we do.
We attach great importance to outdoors play and our extensive outdoor play areas provide children with a wealth of opportunities to explore the natural world, partake in a great variety of physical activities and generally enjoy playing in the fresh air – rain, sun, wind or snow does not often prevent us having fun outside – after all, in nursery, rain is for splashing in puddles and snow for building snowmen!
Careful attention is paid to children’s nutrition needs and our meals and snacks are healthy and nutritionally balanced. We subscribe to the Welsh Government guidance on nutrition for young children and this is reflected in our menus and food policies.
We have a talented, caring and dedicated staff team. Staff are required to undergo a thorough vetting process including appropriate references and a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. All of our staff undertake a variety of training including childcare qualifications, first aid, food safety and safeguarding as well as other courses that are of particular interest or relevance to them such as Makaton, Foundation Phase training, Special Needs and many others.
Reasons to choose us
At Rossett House Nursery, we are passionate about providing children with a caring, nurturing and fun-filled environment within which they can grow and develop in confidence, skill, knowledge, understanding and independence.
We have a rigorous staff selection process that ensures that we appoint staff who are caring and who have a genuine desire to work with young children. Background checks including DBS checks are carried out as part of the appointment process. Once appointed, our childcare professionals are involved in a programme of continual training and professional development. We have a very skilful and highly qualified team.
Rossett House Nursery is set in over an acre of grounds in a beautiful rural yet easily accessible location. Indoor facilities include four childcare rooms and a conservatory for messy play. The rooms are bright and airy in summer, warm and cosy in winter. Outside, we have fabulous enclosed grounds with a variety of hard, safety and grass surfaces, an orchard and large field. There is plenty of room to go exploring, ride on trikes, climb, run etc. Our ‘role play village’ and ‘Grillkota’ give our outdoor play an added dimension.
Healthy eating is a very important aspect of our provision at Rossett House Nursery. Our menus are carefully planned to be balanced and appropriate for the nutritional needs of our children. The menus take account of the Welsh Government Food and Health Guidelines for Childcare and Early Years’ Settings and we hold the ‘Tiny Tums’ nutrition accreditation. Meals are prepared at the nursery by our qualified and experienced cook who takes great pride in the food she prepares for the children.
Quality Assurance
The quality of our provision is measured in a wide variety of both internal and external ways. Our skilful practitioners work closely with the management team to ensure that children are benefitting from the care and activities we offer. We welcome feedback from parents both formally and informally. Through both working with various professionals and partaking in numerous external quality schemes we gain independent information about the quality of our provision.